Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I'm kind of on this kick where I'm making covers for stuff. I've made a bunch of facebook covers, and I made some cover for Figment covers.... It's really fun. I'll post them all here as I make them. Here are the four I have:

For: Agent_Bugs (If they want it)

For my Outsiders fanfic

For Hunter's fanfic

For my story

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I wrote a story for a writing contest, and you all need to read it! It's nothing like what I usually write, so I don't know if it turned out very well, but please take 3 minutes to read it! It's only 500 words. Heart it if you like! I Hate Peppermint
(This is based off of what actually happened, but I fudged the details, and added some stuff for story telling effect. This was I helped myself feel better about what happened to my puppy.)