Monday, April 25, 2011

25 hours

             Wow this so hard! I'm trying to be silent for 25 hours to raise awareness for Invisible Children. Have you ever heard of Invisible Children? Well, it's the truth about the sad world we live in! In some countries in Africa, the army is kidnapping little kids and raising the fight in the war. They are brainwashing them as using them as human shields! I'm being silent for 25 hours. That means I can't physically talk. So how am I supposed to raise awareness? By doing this! Telling every one I know that there are bad things happening that we stop! We can help those poor little kids! We can save lives by telling people and getting support for those invisible children! I thought I knew what it felt like not to be heard! I don't know anything about living in silence! Help the invisible children! Please?


P.S. I keep messing up! My little brother isn't being understanding, he keeps trying to trick me into talking! It has worked a couple of times, but only for a few words. Then I shut up and give him my best death glare. Which, by the way, is pretty good! When I "mess up" and talk, I remember that they never mess up and if they did, no one would hear them anyway! >X(

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