Friday, April 15, 2011

Photography - I think I'm Pretty Good!

 Sorry people, but my self esteem is a little low today, so I'm gonna brag! 

"Ice In My Blood"
I made my friend Ash take this one, but I just like it SOOOOO much!

"Sunny Puppy"
My puppy Scooter!

"Through The Knothole"
I took this one through a knot hole in my back fence.

"Midnight Snack"
Piglets at the Puallup fair.

My friend Monica

"Forever Hay"
This picture was taken at a friends wedding! (No joke!)

"Pouncing Pussy, Hear Me Roar"
The kitten I want preparing to pounce.

"A Shocking New Taste"
A squirrel eating a Maraschino cherry at the Ballard Locks.

"Evening Heather"
My friend Ash sitting in a bunch of heather.

"Far Sighted"
A friend of a friends daughter... I just like the colour!

"Revelation 1:1"
Sunshine smothered by a cloud.

"Back Alley View"
Beautiful sunset.

My friend Lyssa, locked in a cage. LOL!

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