Saturday, March 19, 2011

The flies on the wall can talk. Forensic entomologist Nick Polchack is listening...

Ohhhhh! I LOVE that! The bug man series is about a really funny, well, really funny doesn’t really capture it… let me start over. The main character in the bug man series is a mentally disturbed/deranged, insensitive, borderline psychopath. Yeah, that sounds more like it! He is a forensic entomologist. In other words… well, to put it bluntly, he studies the ways different bugs grow in decaying flesh, or, he studies bugs in dead people. It may sound gross, but… it is. A little… Anyway! The series isn’t exactly a kids series, but the author is a Christian so the books a relatively speaking ‘clean’. The reason I say relatively, is not because they are inappropriate, but because they ARE murder mysteries and that means, like… bad guys and stuff…? Nothing new! Accept Nick he is new and fresh and original, I LOVE HIM! Ironically he shares a name with another person I L-O-V-E, Nick Jonas!!!!!! A funny thing that happened to me while I was reading the fourth book, Less Than Dead, was that this cute little bug landed on my page and as flipped it he crossed over to the next page and settled on the name Nick, like he knew Nick loved bugs! Sorry, I go on lots of bunny trails, but they all lead to the same hole! What my point was, was, The Bug Man series is extremely funny and would recommend it in a heartbeat to anyone I know!

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