I won the spelling bee! I won the spelling bee? I WON THE SPELLING BEE!?!?! It’s true, I won! I shouldn’t have though. We, my friend Monica and I, were totally psyched all day long. We quizzed each other all day long and when the time came we congratulated each other on words spelled correctly. As it was, we studied the wrong words! Monica memorized all 1,000 in 7 days! I only learned like… 1oo… or something… So we studied for words like, Baccalaureate and sarsaparilla and prestidigitation and sacrilegious and kielbasa and abhorrence but the words we got were… and I quote: Attention, Bachelor, Botanist, Dormitories, and Exaggerate. SOOOOOOOOOOOO EASY! The rules were that once it got down to two people the 1st got a chance and they messed they weren’t out, but the 2nd person got a chance to spell the word right and they had to spell another word right. So pretty much it could go on forever! Or until someone got two right in a row. Originally the people who I got to sign up were, Monica, Ben (The girl who thought she knew all the words already… until I asked her to sell baccalaureate.), Nathen, and DeAndre… oh! And me! So Nathen dropped out immediately and Ben went home “sick” 20 minutes before the bee (heh-heh I feel nerdy calling it ‘the bee’!), and so it was just Monica and me because DeAndre got out on his first word. (It isn’t like he studied or anything he just signed up so Monica and I would have a chance.) Monica gets Dormitories and thinks the letter I but says the letter A by accident. So then it’s my turn. I think If it isn’t spelled with an A that it must be spelled with an I! because I had no idea how to spell it! So I spell it “D-O-R-M-I-T-O-R-I-E-S?” and the judge says, “Correct.” Then I get the word exaggerate and I’m thinking What? Really? EASY WIN! But then I think about how hard Monica practiced and I almost spell it wrong on purpose. But I don’t. They say I’m a good speller and that I deserve it, but I know I don’t. The prize is 25 bucks but I just can’t get myself excited. It wasn’t a fair win. So… I gave the gift card to Monica today. I made her promise before I gave to her that she wouldn’t give it back, but when I handed it to her and she saw what it was she almost threw it at me. She told me I was the winner not her, but I didn’t care. So… *Sigh* that was my daily rant! Sometimes I take it out on my cousin sometimes on my blog… lucky you!
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